Q: How to find time & inspiration for making art

Today's question is one I get a lot – how to find time to make art. Especially when you work a full time job or have full time responsibilities outside of the creative realm.

Let me introduce you to: the Art Trap.

What's an Art Trap? It's a small space you can set up permanently – on a coffee table, a corner of a kitchen table, or even on your home office desk. Leave your paints, brushes, paper, paper towels, charging iPad, whatever you make art with ready to go.

When you eliminate the set up time by having everything out, it'll be easier to fall into your own Art Trap. You'll constantly be reminded of it when you see it, and that will make it even more tempting to sit down and start ~something~.

I started my whole illustration career on a tiny $25 flea market coffee table in my studio apartment.

Even now, I still have to set up an art trap up for myself. I always have my paints, brushes, palettes, paper, and paper towels out on one of my many desks in my studio, ready to go. Then I make it a priority to start my day with a sketchbook warm-up as I do these butterfly exercises!

Your Mission This Weekend:
Find a space in your home and set up an art trap for yourself.

And maybe take my newest Skillshare class, Intro to Color Theory: From Beginner to Butterfly, while you're there.


Q: How do I find a community and network?


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